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Member Spotlight: George Thambi


George Thambi immigrated to Canada in 2008. By trade, he is an engineer, and entrepreneurship is his passion. When he arrived in Canada, he set out to obtain his master's in engineering and obtain his engineering license. In his early arrival George struggled with finding adequate employment but was lucky to find a job within his field. Others that arrived to our community were not so lucky and had to take jobs that they were overqualified for. This is where George spotted an inequality. Most immigrants who come to Canada have post-secondary education or University level degrees, and Canada often does not recognize these degrees, or the job market is unfulfilling their employment needs. Therefore, immigrants will often take jobs that they are over-qualified for just to protect their immigration status. George seeing this disconnect between employers and employees he wanted to see what he could do to mend the disconnect. HUNTT is his business idea, which stands for “hunting talent,” as he wishes to aid immigrants and newcomers in finding proper employment concerning their education and permanent residency.

George found ConnexionWorks from a Facebook post and recognized the opportunity that one of our programs offered. Our intake team helped direct George to the appropriate program. The program George enrolled in is the Business Immigrant Essentials Program that started in October 2021.

What George found the most rewarding of ConnexionWorks is supporting ideation growth. The group sessions allow for open discussions that emphasize critical thinking and offers constructive criticism when needed. These sessions enable entrepreneurs to refine their ideas and deliver vital business ventures, all in having a safe place to exercise their ideas.

George is continuously persistent to connect companies with proper skilled newcomers struggling to finding adequate and fulfilling employment.

George left us with this message “There is a quote I still resonate with in the video from “Peace by Chocolate,” and it says, “it is safer to be in a cab than an emergency room in Ontario, because 70% of cab drivers are physicians and Emergency rooms are too short-staffed.”

If you or someone you know is interested in the program that George has found much success and aid in then see below for the Business Immigrant Essentials Program infographic and head to the programs page to apply.



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